Yearly Timeline
Here's a checklist of what you should be doing regarding the college application process:
Stay on top of your classes/grades
Organize an area to keep all your college information
Research colleges online or visit the Guidance Office for help/direction
Register for the Fall ACT/SAT
Research and document application deadlines of the colleges you are interested in attending
Request a visit to the colleges you are interested in if you haven't already
Complete the Senior Survey in the Spring
Continue to monitor the Guidance Office webpage for updates
Here's a checklist of what you should be doing now regarding the college application process:
Stay on top of your classes/grades
Prepare for the upcoming PSAT which will be given in October
Attend college events(college fairs, college visits to the school, etc..)
Broaden your resume by participating in extracurricular activities
Speak with your parents about your college plans
Begin a list of schools that you are interested in
Register to take the ACT/SAT in the Spring of your junior year
Here's a checklist of what you should be doing regarding the college application process:
Stay on top of your classes/grades
Prepare for the upcoming PSAT
Attend college events(college fairs, college visits to school, etc.)
Begin visiting college campuses
Participate in extracurricular activities
Here's a checklist of what you should be doing regarding the college application process:
Stay on top of your classes/grades
Explore careers that interest you
Research colleges that offer degrees in the areas of your interest
Make a plan of your next 5+ years