Ava Hicks, Jillian Hanselman, Lila Loudon and Gracie Whisman were recognized as bucket fillers today for following rules, cleaning up messes and showing kindness to others. Congratulations ladies! 🖤⭐️🖤⭐️ #gtownway
almost 4 years ago, Miranda Hanselman
The Georgetown FFA greenhouses are now OPEN to start selling flowers. Open Mon-Fridays 8am-4pm and Saturdays from 8am-12pm for the rest of the school year or until they sell out.
almost 4 years ago, Daniel Broadwell
Imagination Library - Families with children birth to age 5 can sign up to receive one free book each month. Please see the information below to take advantage of this free program.
almost 4 years ago, Carrie Kratzer
Imagination Library Flyer
We’re proud to announce that Grace Burrows has been selected as an NHS Scholarship recipient. Grace was chosen from nearly 10,000 applicants and will receive a $3,200 scholarship toward higher education. Recipients are chosen based on their demonstrated work to support the four pillars of NHS: scholarship, service, leadership, and character. Join us in congratulating Grace and her accomplishments!
almost 4 years ago, Daniel Broadwell
Today we recognized an awesome group of students for showing acts of kindness to others. Way to set an example for your peers! Macy Cooper, Gemma Burrows and Alana Brandenburg. Ruger McGinnis, Levi Layman, Andrew Davidson and Annabelle Godby. 🖤⭐️🖤
almost 4 years ago, Daniel Broadwell
good job
great job
#GirlStrong2021 3rd & 4th grade had a great first day! Check out the GEVS #GirlStrong FB page for more pictures and videos! #GtownWay
almost 4 years ago, Daniel Broadwell
4th grade students practicing glass blowing techniques.
almost 4 years ago, Daniel Broadwell
glass blowing
glass blowing 2
glass blowing 3
glass blowing 4
Jr-Sr High Spring Picture Day is Friday, April 9th. Order your child’s school pictures at mylifetouch.com. Use picture day ID: EVTPZF3JH for your order. #GtownWay
almost 4 years ago, Gar Seigla
Picture Day
Mrs. McGinnis’s class has a silly day planned for the FabFirsties! #AprilFoolsDay
almost 4 years ago, Gar Seigla
GirlStrong mentors are looking good in their new sweatshirts! Next week is the big week!! Thank you Tanja Haughaboo! We love them!
almost 4 years ago, Gar Seigla
GMEN - READY TO TAKE ON STATE TESTING - Every year the beginning of March ushers in many of the much anticipated rites of spring: warmer weather, baseball, and blooming flowers. March also brings about the less anticipated and mandated annual state testing for Ohio public school districts. Last year, due to COVID 19, all state tests were cancelled. Although the decision to cancel testing was a relief for most educators, school districts did lose a year of student data that informs them of the possible educational needs and educational gaps of students. The debate to administer testing for the 2020-21 school year started as early as August 2020 and still continues to this day. Should schools test? Should the federal government offer another waiver to cancel testing? If students are tested, should the tests count and be reported on the state report card? These questions and concerns are well-founded and valid. Presently, the federal government has denied all testing waiver cancellation requests for the 2020-21 school year - which means Georgetown students will participate in yearly testing. Participation in testing means that the student’s scores are reported to the state and recorded in the student’s academic record, as in years past. The state has yet to make a decision if the scores will be factored into the school district’s report card. Regardless of the inclusion of the scores on the district’s report card, the test results will provide teachers and administration with valuable educational information about their students. The Georgetown Schools district will use this data to improve in the areas where learning gaps exist and continue building upon the areas of strength. Not only do students benefit from the test data, but also the staff benefits from the data by analyzing it in order to improve teacher assessments and build professional development and teacher training. State testing may not be the most anticipated aspect of spring, but as a district, we plan on utilizing any and all information afforded us in order to ensure our students reach their academic potential. Whatever the outcome of the testing debates and decisions, I know this much is true, the students of the Georgetown Exempted Village School District have been prepared by their teachers to take the state tests and not only pass them, but excel. GMEN - READY FOR ANYTHING!
almost 4 years ago, Brad Winterod
April breakfast and lunch menus have been posted online. Find the menus on our app and website. App: Documents>Students/Parents>Cafeteria Website (Printable PDF): Student/Parent>Cafeteria
almost 4 years ago, Daniel Broadwell
REMINDER - Kindergarten Registration will be held at Georgetown Elementary School tomorrow, Saturday, March 27th, from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Please see the information below for details.
almost 4 years ago, Carrie Kratzer
KDG Registration
Jaxen Burke, Zach Jones, Hattie Olivieri, Wyatt Womacks and Aiden Dryden were recognized as bucket fillers yesterday for helping a friend, cleaning up messes and being honest. Thank you for setting a great example for your peers! #gtownway 🖤⭐️🖤
almost 4 years ago, Miranda Hanselman
Bucket Fillers
Kennedy Corbin, Corey Swope, Will Haus, Trevor Brose and Aadi Stull were recognized this morning as bucket fillers! They have shown kindness to their peers, cleaned up without being asked or prompted, and helped in the classroom. Congratulations!
almost 4 years ago, Miranda Hanselman
bucket fillers
6th Grade students in Mrs. Williams class learning about Mesopotamia by creating artifacts. #GtownWay
almost 4 years ago, Gar Seigla
Mrs. McKinney’s students working on their springtime wood projects. These promote creativity and build new skills.
almost 4 years ago, Gar Seigla
wood projects
wood projects
wood projects
wood projects
Congratulations to our bucket fillers for setting a great example of behavior and kindness! Destiny McFadden, TJ Prewitt, Dylan Ollendick & Xavier Short.
almost 4 years ago, Daniel Broadwell
great job
GMEN Lead Information WHO: 5th & 6th Grade boys WHEN: Twice a week, April 7-April 28, on Mondays & Wednesdays from 3:45-4:45 WHERE: Georgetown Elementary Campus and Cafeteria Please fill out the Google Form below. https://forms.gle/f3Q2guRdL8bBa1io6
almost 4 years ago, Carrie Kratzer
Gmen Lead
2021 SBAAC League Champs 🏀🏀🏀 What’s better than that? These gentlemen are ALL scholar athletes. This team maintained an average GPA of 3.87! We are proud of our G-Men!
almost 4 years ago, Daniel Broadwell